AP Exam Boost for H.S. Seniors


As your student begins planning and selecting their courses for next year, they should strongly consider AP courses if they are offered by the school, especially if they are entering 12th grade. If your student is aiming for a competitive or highly-competitive college, then there should be no question about it. 

There are several key advantages to taking AP classes. Scoring high on an AP exam is a great way to earn college credit while still in high school. In this instance, “credit” can come in two forms: exemption from introductory courses, or by receiving earned credit units thereby setting your student forward in their academic career. Students should check with each individual college to see which option they support, and for which courses.

Another benefit of AP exams is that they might qualify a student for Honors programs at their future college, putting them on track to graduate cum laude. Or, a high AP score might help you qualify for certain merit-based financial aid packages and scholarships. 

Finally, one of the best (and least talked about) benefits is that a 5 on an AP exam might increase your student’s chances of getting accepted from the waitlist. Even if college decision day has come and gone, your student can still submit their score(s) to the college’s admissions office as a way to demonstrate continued interest in attending that college, as well as academic achievement. 

So don’t pass up this opportunity to impress your future college. Take the courses, study hard, and score high on the exams. It will pay off in one way or another!

If you are considering AP courses and need some help deciding what to take, or you plan on taking AP courses and want tutoring to get ahead, reach out to Ivy Link below.